I do not think we should free Tibet. I think it would be a good and charatible thing to do because it would be good for Tibet to be liberated from China, but the US can't always do everything. We've already gotten ourselves involved in fixing Iraq and that's quite problematic and a few decades ago we tried intervening in Vietnam and that was an epic fail if you catch my drift. In some aspects, in my opinion, it was and it is noble to try and help Iraq and Vietnam but it would not be wise to try and liberate Tibet. First of all, China is a huge and powerful country. Second, we owe China a LOT of money and so they have that over us. Some might argue that if we just warred against China to liberate Tibet, then we wouldn't have to pay China the money we owe them, but that would probably just get us in trouble, set a bad reputation for borrowing money (which would result in other countries not lending us money in fear that we wouldn't pay them back or we would find a reason to declare war against them so that we wouldn't have to pay them back), and it would just be cheap. Not that the US isn't cheap already.
I believe that China should free Tibet because China is a large enough country that they do not need to have anymore control over countries. This is because of the population control that they are having difficulties with. I also believe that the Dahli Llama could govern the country well like he had done before it was taken over. With Tibet being a autonomous region, it has been forgotten about and is not the main focus of China because China has more things to worry about than Tibet. Celebrities are now pushing to have Tibet freed and have been having campaigns to seperate them from China. In conclusion, it seems that China has forgotten and do not care anymore about Tibet but will not let them be free and be independent.
the fact that china overtaking an isolated country and dimishing their culture is kind of hypocritical of them. Even if Tibet was a backland country they were better off than being taken over by a communist country with controll problems. If China views Tibet as a part of them why do they abuse and torture Tibet as if they were different?
China really has now claim to to the Tibetan platue. They claim that they are bringing stability to the country by providing a means of modernization, what modernization? (well maybe a little) China has mistreated the people since their arrival there. The only real reason why China is there is to claim more land and its resources. Yeah I do think that Tibet should be its own independant country and China should leave them alone.
I think we should help out Tibet once we have settled our problems first like the economy, we shouldn't help others if we can't even help ourselves. We also got ourselves attached to helping out Iraq which is a handful for us as it is. I think we are to occupied to be helping others right now, but once we (if we ever) settle down and get some of our problems under control or have the ability to, then we should work on trying to free Tibet.
No. Tibet's freedom shouldnt be a worry to anyone except China and Tibet. Many people who say "free tibet" dont know much about the situation, all they know about is the treatment of the tibetans by the Chinese. The lack of human rights that China shows toward Tibet is awful but the more they revolt the more they are going to get put down. Many things in Tibet cannot go back to the way they were before Chinese rule, such as the lack of government, land and slavery. If it wasn't for the British, Tibet would always have been recognized as a part of China.
No, Tibet can worry about their own issues, the United States deals with to many other countries issues as is and it isn't necessary. If Tibet wants to be free they should figure out their own way of doing it.
I think that Tibet should be free from China because it functions on its own and its culture is a seperate entity. Tibet clearly never, and still oesn't want to be part of China. There have been riots as recent 2008 in opposition to Chinese rule. A country should be run of the will of its people, seeing that they are the ones living there. The Dali Lama is also looked at as the head of the overnment, even in exile. Also what does China really need Tibet for? it is fairly desolate with its largest city having 1 million people. This is not to say China has done nothing for tibet, there has been at least some moderization that Tibet desperatly needed. But for the most part Tibet has a seperate way of thinking and way of life. They are also very secluded, even if they are part of China there is a set of natural borders. So i think they should be freed but not by the US. This is not our affair nor responibility. we have gotten ourselves into enough trouble by trying to aid other countries. Although we shouldn't lead a fight for tibet we should do what we can to help and support any action they have to free themselves.
I believe that Tibet should be freed but, as Dorothy said, it's not the obligation of the United States to free them. It should be a worldwide effort rather than the responsibility of one country. The United Nations should be taking a stand for it against China. Before China invaded and took over, Tibet seemed to be doing well enough on its own. The system of Dalai Lama's was working well for them and they had their own langauge, culture, and religion. The world has a history of larger countries taking over small ones and diminishing their cultures until they are nonexistent, and it's a cycle that's hard to break.
China and Tibet have a long history of differences of opinions. These differences have bled through into their histories. The Chinese history of Tibet and the Tibetan history of Tibet have overlapping encounters with one another that support their own causes. The Chinese claim that Tibet has always belonged to them while the Tibetans claim they were separate entities. I believe that Tibet would be better off as an independent country. It is not up to The United States alone to end China's rule. I think that the U.N. should take the initiative and do what is right for the Tibetan people. China feels that in taking over Tibet they liberated serfs and ended the medieval feudal system Tibetans were still a part of. They say that the people of Tibet now enjoy personal and religious freedom as well as political equality. They also have put forward the education movement. On Tibet's side however there has been evidence of torture to discourage political dissent thereby negating political equality. Also approximately 3000 Tibetans attempt to reach exile in neighboring countries. The Chinese border guards are accused of shooting a defenseless nun and young boy trying to escape. Political prisoners and censored information are also issues Tibet has experienced from China's rule. The claims that China and Tibet make against one another may be slightly skewed, but one thing is clear. When Tibet had a brief period of independence in the early 1900's they conducted themselves with poise and restraint. I believe that they have a right to be free from China's rule to better the lives of their people.
I think that we should not necessarily completely free Tibet from China’s rule, but give them a little more freedom when it comes to their culture and traditions. There is a difference between giving Tibet total freedom to be their own nation again, and giving them more cultural freedom within the reign of China. I think that if Tibet is held under China, but allowed to have some freedom when it comes to religion and other traditions, then Tibet will be on a good track and will be able to be successfully held up by China without having any of their own traditions. With the mix of their own religious traditions and the basic rule of China, Tibet will have a stable sense of its culture, yet it will always have China to “lean on” if need be, considering China technically has more power. This whole issue, however, should not be put into the hands of the United States, if that’s what “we” is referring to. If we had the opportunity to help Tibet out, it would be a nice thing to do, but it’s not our top priority at the moment.
Tibet is basically china so theres nothing we can do about it and i dont think Tibet would have the power to over rule China and become free. I agree that they should be free because China and the British just came in and took over and killed so many people for no reason. In this dispute i dont think anything is going to be done about it because its just going to make more controversy and everythings just going to go to hell just like the rest of the world. They should be set free, like if people came to your house with weapons and forced you to sign over your house and land and everything else you own. Then they control what you do and how you do it, im sure everyone would say they would'nt tolerate that.
I believe that many people find it easy to rally around countries such as Tibet and claim that they should be freed. But how can we accuse China of unlawfully taking over this country and ruling over it when the United States has done the same thing many times? Yes, Tibet does have its own language and culture, but so did the Philipines, Guam and Puerto Rico. That did not stop us from taking control of those countries, and still governing over Guam and Puerto Rico today. Before whoever reads this thinks I am a horrible person, I do not agree with the way China is ruling over Tibet. I think that if they gave more autonomy to this area, and let them keep more of their culture, things would go over better. Even the Dalai Lama agrees that China is the legitimate ruler of Tibet. He just thinks he should be back in power over them. Finally, was Tibet better off before? After researching "Old Tibet", I found out that it was generally not pro-human rights, and the government of Tibet persecuted non-buddhist religous groups. Catholic Missions in the area were burned to the ground and missionaires were murdered. This sounds similar to the claims currently being made about China's current Monastery burning and Monk killing polcies. Peasants were slaves to nobles under serfdom, and in some parts of the country slavery was still allowed. Is this considered better than China's current social system? China is obviously not the most benevolent country in the world. But maybe we should focus less on "freeing Tibet" and focus more on bargaining with China to restore some of Tibet's culture and autonomy.
Tibet should be free but I don't think that the US should be the one to free it. I think that the way the Tibetans are treated by China is horrible. Tibet feels that China has suppressed their culture and have been very mistreated by the Chinese but I don't think the US needs to get involved.
I think that Tibet should be freed. I think this because of the brutal and unfair treatment they receive by the Chinese. Since the Chinese have invaded there have been over one million Tibetan deaths. China shouldn’t have control over Tibet because the two are very different. Tibet is distinct with their culture, religion, linguistics and their ethnic identity. The Chinese take Tibetans into prisons and torture them, sometimes they torture them to death. Their ways of torturing include beatings, electric shock, exposure to extreme heat or cold, deprivation of sleep, food and water, harrassment by dogs and numerous other ways. However, the Chinese are trying to reduce the number of deaths they cause by torture. Their solution? When they realize one of the prisoners are on the verge of dying, they release them to their families so that when they die it’s technically not in the prison. China did develop railroad systems and certain other things to help the Tibetans, but they did not develop an education or healthcare for the Tibetans. The children living in Tibet have no way of obtaining an education. Also, in recent years, Tibet has had a growth in economic strength, but the Tibetans do not get to benefit from this growth. The Tibetans get the shaft, they are typically employed in the declining agricultural sector and some are even forcd to abandon their normal nomadic lifestyles, forcing them to completely start over. Tibetans are also banned from outside information and cannot speak to people on the outside. China controls their television, radio, internet, printed material, private emails and their phone calls, giving the Tibetans no privacy whatsoever. Every year 3,000 Tibetans escape and most of them are children because they are in need of an education. People should not have to flee from their own country. The Dalai Lama even received a Nobel Peace Prize for his dedication to non-violence so he’s not even a threat to China. In conclusion, Tibet should be freed because the way they are treated is unfair and they would get along just fine without China.
I think that Tibet should be freed for many reasons. The main reason is climate change. With China's government moving the Tibetan nomads from the the grasslands where they subside, the ecosystem of that area will be impacted greatly. Without the cattle and livestock feeding and fertalizing the land and the crops enriching the soil, there will be no value to this land and it will slowly disappear into nothing. I also believe that China's atempt to enstil its own culture and values in the Tibetan people has a great impact on Tibet. While China controls Tibet well and is able to extract certain resources, the Tibetan people don't see the end result of the work they themselves have, more or less, done. Freeing Tibet would let this unique group of people flourish and establish a basic culture and lifestyle.
No, I don't think Tibet should be freed. This is because Tibet may be being mistreated now but in their past they have been known to kill non-buddhists. Also if Tibet was to be freed that will mean they have control over all of chinese head waters which ultimately means they have control over China. Another thing to be considered is that what China is doing by claiming Tibet is just what all world powers have done throughout the ages. The United States have done it. The Soviet Union did it and no one ever complained about it then.
If "we" refers to America then my position is NO, but if "we" means a world collaboration then YES. America has stretched itself too far and barging into Tibet will not help our already suffering economy and general populous will suffer from another war. Atrocities are happening in Tibet and yet the world has done nothing to stop it because every country is facing one problem or another. Torture methods are aimed at the population to hold down any protest against the government. Methods of torture include but are not limited to beatings, denial of medical treatment, harassment by dogs, being hung upside down, and electric shock batons. Dr Manfred Nowak from the United Nations reported that torture remains widespread even in 2005. In September 2007 four children aging 14-15 were beaten and tortured for allegedly writing free Tibet slogans on the side of a police station. Aside from the cruel tortures Tibetans are escaping by the thousands into neighboring countries indicating that home life is not so great. On average every year 3000 Tibetans make a journey across the Himalayas to reach Nepal and then India. These trecks across the mountains can take months because people travel on foot and at night to avoid the Chinese border patrol. In 2006 a 17 year old nun was shot trying to escape. Her death was witnessed by westerners. China denied the allegations but video and photographic evidence surfaced. China then changed their position on the subject and claimed self defense. With Tibet under their belt, China has begun to take natural resources from the defenseless country. Copper, iron, zinc, and gold are extracted and used to foster China's booming economy. The vast resources are taken from Tibet without a prior agreement that this could be done, violating yet again fundamental rights. Logging has occurred from the 1950's to present. Despite the environmental effects on Tibet the logging has continued and has destroyed half of the forests. The extractions of Tibet’s resources have had dramatic effects on the environment, the people, and the economy. China continues to grow as they suck every drop form Tibet. Mainly Buddhist the religion of Tibet is of great importance to the nomadic lifestyle of the people. Roughly 80% of those in jail are monks. The Cultural Revolution set forth by the Chinese occupation has destroyed 6000 monasteries and nunneries. If China is calling Tibet their own then they are going against their own law which grants limited religious freedom (article 36). China continues to make the once nomadic grasslands into urban areas making those who lived on the traditional ways poor. Chinese officials, technical experts, service traders, construction/miners, are sent to Tibet regularly. Tibetans have become a minority in their home land. China continues to give Tibet a Chinese face even though the people clearly have no want for this. The continuations to make Tibetans hail to the Chinese ways have made them silent and lose their national identity. Oppression and silent behind the door dealings have continued to deteriorate the already fragile population of the Tibetans as well.
The United States should have nothing to do with freeing Tibet. Our country is to corrupt to be worring about other foreign countires, we need to help ourselves first. China and Tibet have a long complicated history of violence and cruelty that they need to resolve on there own if they please. Tibet has never wanted to be under chinese rule, they've always hand a different way of living. The chinese crushed their culture and traditions including pushing away from the Dalai Lama which was a fine way of rule and living for tibetan people. And all for what? China is big enough as it is and they have their own problems to deal with. I mean China has done a few things to help improve the modernization of Tibet, but not much. In a way I guess I do believe Tibet should be free, just not by the U.S. China just needs to let go. Haven't Tibetan people suffered enough?
I do not think that Tibet should be freed because China gives Tibet things like better standards of living and Tibet's poverty has decreased a lot under China's rule. I think that the people of Tibet are better off under the rule of China. Even though China has done damage to their culture it is still in tact and the Dalia Lama did not to a great deal to help the people of Tibet. China is at least has at least helping Tibet to modernize.
If I were to choose I would say yes they should be free because the Tibetans argue that they were free before they were brutally overtaken by the Chinese. Even if they hadn’t been free before, they had claimed themselves as an independent country that was attached to China by land. The Tibetans had always been peaceful, especially compared to the Chinese. But the Tibetans would never peacefully live under Chinese rule without religious toleration. This could never be achieved because communism flourishes under atheism. While I believe the Tibetans should be free, it’s harder said than done. Tibet could not be free without the help of a more powerful country, maybe even several if they were going to fight against China. I don’t think a lot of countries would come to Tibet’s aid for fear of ruining relations with China. Another issue is how Tibet would run their country after war (which would most likely happen). This would be very expensive and debt would be large. If this is so Tibet would either come under China’s rule again or have to gain help from another country.
I do not think we should free Tibet. I think it would be a good and charatible thing to do because it would be good for Tibet to be liberated from China, but the US can't always do everything. We've already gotten ourselves involved in fixing Iraq and that's quite problematic and a few decades ago we tried intervening in Vietnam and that was an epic fail if you catch my drift. In some aspects, in my opinion, it was and it is noble to try and help Iraq and Vietnam but it would not be wise to try and liberate Tibet. First of all, China is a huge and powerful country. Second, we owe China a LOT of money and so they have that over us. Some might argue that if we just warred against China to liberate Tibet, then we wouldn't have to pay China the money we owe them, but that would probably just get us in trouble, set a bad reputation for borrowing money (which would result in other countries not lending us money in fear that we wouldn't pay them back or we would find a reason to declare war against them so that we wouldn't have to pay them back), and it would just be cheap. Not that the US isn't cheap already.
ReplyDeleteI believe that China should free Tibet because China is a large enough country that they do not need to have anymore control over countries. This is because of the population control that they are having difficulties with. I also believe that the Dahli Llama could govern the country well like he had done before it was taken over. With Tibet being a autonomous region, it has been forgotten about and is not the main focus of China because China has more things to worry about than Tibet. Celebrities are now pushing to have Tibet freed and have been having campaigns to seperate them from China. In conclusion, it seems that China has forgotten and do not care anymore about Tibet but will not let them be free and be independent.
ReplyDeletethe fact that china overtaking an isolated country and dimishing their culture is kind of hypocritical of them. Even if Tibet was a backland country they were better off than being taken over by a communist country with controll problems. If China views Tibet as a part of them why do they abuse and torture Tibet as if they were different?
ReplyDeleteChina really has now claim to to the Tibetan platue. They claim that they are bringing stability to the country by providing a means of modernization, what modernization? (well maybe a little) China has mistreated the people since their arrival there. The only real reason why China is there is to claim more land and its resources. Yeah I do think that Tibet should be its own independant country and China should leave them alone.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI think we should help out Tibet once we have settled our problems first like the economy, we shouldn't help others if we can't even help ourselves. We also got ourselves attached to helping out Iraq which is a handful for us as it is. I think we are to occupied to be helping others right now, but once we (if we ever) settle down and get some of our problems under control or have the ability to, then we should work on trying to free Tibet.
ReplyDeleteNo. Tibet's freedom shouldnt be a worry to anyone except China and Tibet. Many people who say "free tibet" dont know much about the situation, all they know about is the treatment of the tibetans by the Chinese. The lack of human rights that China shows toward Tibet is awful but the more they revolt the more they are going to get put down. Many things in Tibet cannot go back to the way they were before Chinese rule, such as the lack of government, land and slavery. If it wasn't for the British, Tibet would always have been recognized as a part of China.
ReplyDeleteNo, Tibet can worry about their own issues, the United States deals with to many other countries issues as is and it isn't necessary. If Tibet wants to be free they should figure out their own way of doing it.
ReplyDeleteI think that Tibet should be free from China because it functions on its own and its culture is a seperate entity. Tibet clearly never, and still oesn't want to be part of China. There have been riots as recent 2008 in opposition to Chinese rule. A country should be run of the will of its people, seeing that they are the ones living there. The Dali Lama is also looked at as the head of the overnment, even in exile. Also what does China really need Tibet for? it is fairly desolate with its largest city having 1 million people. This is not to say China has done nothing for tibet, there has been at least some moderization that Tibet desperatly needed. But for the most part Tibet has a seperate way of thinking and way of life. They are also very secluded, even if they are part of China there is a set of natural borders. So i think they should be freed but not by the US. This is not our affair nor responibility. we have gotten ourselves into enough trouble by trying to aid other countries. Although we shouldn't lead a fight for tibet we should do what we can to help and support any action they have to free themselves.
ReplyDeleteI believe that Tibet should be freed but, as Dorothy said, it's not the obligation of the United States to free them. It should be a worldwide effort rather than the responsibility of one country. The United Nations should be taking a stand for it against China. Before China invaded and took over, Tibet seemed to be doing well enough on its own. The system of Dalai Lama's was working well for them and they had their own langauge, culture, and religion. The world has a history of larger countries taking over small ones and diminishing their cultures until they are nonexistent, and it's a cycle that's hard to break.
ReplyDeleteChina and Tibet have a long history of differences of opinions. These differences have bled through into their histories. The Chinese history of Tibet and the Tibetan history of Tibet have overlapping encounters with one another that support their own causes. The Chinese claim that Tibet has always belonged to them while the Tibetans claim they were separate entities. I believe that Tibet would be better off as an independent country. It is not up to The United States alone to end China's rule. I think that the U.N. should take the initiative and do what is right for the Tibetan people. China feels that in taking over Tibet they liberated serfs and ended the medieval feudal system Tibetans were still a part of. They say that the people of Tibet now enjoy personal and religious freedom as well as political equality. They also have put forward the education movement. On Tibet's side however there has been evidence of torture to discourage political dissent thereby negating political equality. Also approximately 3000 Tibetans attempt to reach exile in neighboring countries. The Chinese border guards are accused of shooting a defenseless nun and young boy trying to escape. Political prisoners and censored information are also issues Tibet has experienced from China's rule. The claims that China and Tibet make against one another may be slightly skewed, but one thing is clear. When Tibet had a brief period of independence in the early 1900's they conducted themselves with poise and restraint. I believe that they have a right to be free from China's rule to better the lives of their people.
ReplyDeleteI think that we should not necessarily completely free Tibet from China’s rule, but give them a little more freedom when it comes to their culture and traditions. There is a difference between giving Tibet total freedom to be their own nation again, and giving them more cultural freedom within the reign of China. I think that if Tibet is held under China, but allowed to have some freedom when it comes to religion and other traditions, then Tibet will be on a good track and will be able to be successfully held up by China without having any of their own traditions. With the mix of their own religious traditions and the basic rule of China, Tibet will have a stable sense of its culture, yet it will always have China to “lean on” if need be, considering China technically has more power. This whole issue, however, should not be put into the hands of the United States, if that’s what “we” is referring to. If we had the opportunity to help Tibet out, it would be a nice thing to do, but it’s not our top priority at the moment.
ReplyDeleteTibet is basically china so theres nothing we can do about it and i dont think Tibet would have the power to over rule China and become free. I agree that they should be free because China and the British just came in and took over and killed so many people for no reason. In this dispute i dont think anything is going to be done about it because its just going to make more controversy and everythings just going to go to hell just like the rest of the world. They should be set free, like if people came to your house with weapons and forced you to sign over your house and land and everything else you own. Then they control what you do and how you do it, im sure everyone would say they would'nt tolerate that.
ReplyDeleteI believe that many people find it easy to rally around countries such as Tibet and claim that they should be freed. But how can we accuse China of unlawfully taking over this country and ruling over it when the United States has done the same thing many times? Yes, Tibet does have its own language and culture, but so did the Philipines, Guam and Puerto Rico. That did not stop us from taking control of those countries, and still governing over Guam and Puerto Rico today.
ReplyDeleteBefore whoever reads this thinks I am a horrible person, I do not agree with the way China is ruling over Tibet. I think that if they gave more autonomy to this area, and let them keep more of their culture, things would go over better. Even the Dalai Lama agrees that China is the legitimate ruler of Tibet. He just thinks he should be back in power over them.
Finally, was Tibet better off before? After researching "Old Tibet", I found out that it was generally not pro-human rights, and the government of Tibet persecuted non-buddhist religous groups. Catholic Missions in the area were burned to the ground and missionaires were murdered. This sounds similar to the claims currently being made about China's current Monastery burning and Monk killing polcies. Peasants were slaves to nobles under serfdom, and in some parts of the country slavery was still allowed. Is this considered better than China's current social system?
China is obviously not the most benevolent country in the world. But maybe we should focus less on "freeing Tibet" and focus more on bargaining with China to restore some of Tibet's culture and autonomy.
Tibet should be free but I don't think that the US should be the one to free it. I think that the way the Tibetans are treated by China is horrible. Tibet feels that China has suppressed their culture and have been very mistreated by the Chinese but I don't think the US needs to get involved.
ReplyDeleteI think that Tibet should be freed. I think this because of the brutal and unfair treatment they receive by the Chinese. Since the Chinese have invaded there have been over one million Tibetan deaths. China shouldn’t have control over Tibet because the two are very different. Tibet is distinct with their culture, religion, linguistics and their ethnic identity. The Chinese take Tibetans into prisons and torture them, sometimes they torture them to death. Their ways of torturing include beatings, electric shock, exposure to extreme heat or cold, deprivation of sleep, food and water, harrassment by dogs and numerous other ways. However, the Chinese are trying to reduce the number of deaths they cause by torture. Their solution? When they realize one of the prisoners are on the verge of dying, they release them to their families so that when they die it’s technically not in the prison. China did develop railroad systems and certain other things to help the Tibetans, but they did not develop an education or healthcare for the Tibetans. The children living in Tibet have no way of obtaining an education. Also, in recent years, Tibet has had a growth in economic strength, but the Tibetans do not get to benefit from this growth. The Tibetans get the shaft, they are typically employed in the declining agricultural sector and some are even forcd to abandon their normal nomadic lifestyles, forcing them to completely start over. Tibetans are also banned from outside information and cannot speak to people on the outside. China controls their television, radio, internet, printed material, private emails and their phone calls, giving the Tibetans no privacy whatsoever. Every year 3,000 Tibetans escape and most of them are children because they are in need of an education. People should not have to flee from their own country. The Dalai Lama even received a Nobel Peace Prize for his dedication to non-violence so he’s not even a threat to China. In conclusion, Tibet should be freed because the way they are treated is unfair and they would get along just fine without China.
ReplyDeleteI think that Tibet should be freed for many reasons. The main reason is climate change. With China's government moving the Tibetan nomads from the the grasslands where they subside, the ecosystem of that area will be impacted greatly. Without the cattle and livestock feeding and fertalizing the land and the crops enriching the soil, there will be no value to this land and it will slowly disappear into nothing. I also believe that China's atempt to enstil its own culture and values in the Tibetan people has a great impact on Tibet. While China controls Tibet well and is able to extract certain resources, the Tibetan people don't see the end result of the work they themselves have, more or less, done. Freeing Tibet would let this unique group of people flourish and establish a basic culture and lifestyle.
ReplyDeleteNo, I don't think Tibet should be freed. This is because Tibet may be being mistreated now but in their past they have been known to kill non-buddhists. Also if Tibet was to be freed that will mean they have control over all of chinese head waters which ultimately means they have control over China. Another thing to be considered is that what China is doing by claiming Tibet is just what all world powers have done throughout the ages. The United States have done it. The Soviet Union did it and no one ever complained about it then.
ReplyDeleteIf "we" refers to America then my position is NO, but if "we" means a world collaboration then YES. America has stretched itself too far and barging into Tibet will not help our already suffering economy and general populous will suffer from another war. Atrocities are happening in Tibet and yet the world has done nothing to stop it because every country is facing one problem or another. Torture methods are aimed at the population to hold down any protest against the government. Methods of torture include but are not limited to beatings, denial of medical treatment, harassment by dogs, being hung upside down, and electric shock batons. Dr Manfred Nowak from the United Nations reported that torture remains widespread even in 2005. In September 2007 four children aging 14-15 were beaten and tortured for allegedly writing free Tibet slogans on the side of a police station. Aside from the cruel tortures Tibetans are escaping by the thousands into neighboring countries indicating that home life is not so great. On average every year 3000 Tibetans make a journey across the Himalayas to reach Nepal and then India. These trecks across the mountains can take months because people travel on foot and at night to avoid the Chinese border patrol. In 2006 a 17 year old nun was shot trying to escape. Her death was witnessed by westerners. China denied the allegations but video and photographic evidence surfaced. China then changed their position on the subject and claimed self defense. With Tibet under their belt, China has begun to take natural resources from the defenseless country. Copper, iron, zinc, and gold are extracted and used to foster China's booming economy. The vast resources are taken from Tibet without a prior agreement that this could be done, violating yet again fundamental rights. Logging has occurred from the 1950's to present. Despite the environmental effects on Tibet the logging has continued and has destroyed half of the forests. The extractions of Tibet’s resources have had dramatic effects on the environment, the people, and the economy. China continues to grow as they suck every drop form Tibet. Mainly Buddhist the religion of Tibet is of great importance to the nomadic lifestyle of the people. Roughly 80% of those in jail are monks. The Cultural Revolution set forth by the Chinese occupation has destroyed 6000 monasteries and nunneries. If China is calling Tibet their own then they are going against their own law which grants limited religious freedom (article 36). China continues to make the once nomadic grasslands into urban areas making those who lived on the traditional ways poor. Chinese officials, technical experts, service traders, construction/miners, are sent to Tibet regularly. Tibetans have become a minority in their home land. China continues to give Tibet a Chinese face even though the people clearly have no want for this. The continuations to make Tibetans hail to the Chinese ways have made them silent and lose their national identity. Oppression and silent behind the door dealings have continued to deteriorate the already fragile population of the Tibetans as well.
ReplyDeleteThe United States should have nothing to do with freeing Tibet. Our country is to corrupt to be worring about other foreign countires, we need to help ourselves first. China and Tibet have a long complicated history of violence and cruelty that they need to resolve on there own if they please. Tibet has never wanted to be under chinese rule, they've always hand a different way of living. The chinese crushed their culture and traditions including pushing away from the Dalai Lama which was a fine way of rule and living for tibetan people. And all for what? China is big enough as it is and they have their own problems to deal with. I mean China has done a few things to help improve the modernization of Tibet, but not much. In a way I guess I do believe Tibet should be free, just not by the U.S. China just needs to let go. Haven't Tibetan people suffered enough?
ReplyDeleteI do not think that Tibet should be freed because China gives Tibet things like better standards of living and Tibet's poverty has decreased a lot under China's rule. I think that the people of Tibet are better off under the rule of China. Even though China has done damage to their culture it is still in tact and the Dalia Lama did not to a great deal to help the people of Tibet. China is at least has at least helping Tibet to modernize.
ReplyDeleteIf I were to choose I would say yes they should be free because the Tibetans argue that they were free before they were brutally overtaken by the Chinese. Even if they hadn’t been free before, they had claimed themselves as an independent country that was attached to China by land. The Tibetans had always been peaceful, especially compared to the Chinese. But the Tibetans would never peacefully live under Chinese rule without religious toleration. This could never be achieved because communism flourishes under atheism.
ReplyDeleteWhile I believe the Tibetans should be free, it’s harder said than done. Tibet could not be free without the help of a more powerful country, maybe even several if they were going to fight against China. I don’t think a lot of countries would come to Tibet’s aid for fear of ruining relations with China. Another issue is how Tibet would run their country after war (which would most likely happen). This would be very expensive and debt would be large. If this is so Tibet would either come under China’s rule again or have to gain help from another country.